Efficient lighting for Mitsubishi Boucherville
Mitsubishi: A brand with unquestionable reliability, dependability, and efficiency.
We knew exactly what to offer Mitsubishi when they assigned us the task to find a lighting solution for their car dealership in Boucherville.
When creating a lighting plan, it is important to keep in mind all aspects of the store’s technical requirements while staying true to the brand’s image. After studying the showroom’s commercial and architectural elements, we identified the space’s main requirements and matched them to the most relevant and effective light source.
The main challenge for this project was finding the proper lighting due to the height of the ceilings: fixtures needed to be powerful enough to provide ample light to reach the vehicles below, without producing unwanted glare or shadows. Our goal was to eliminate any distractions that may take your eyes away from the main focus. To achieve this, we opted to reduce the distance between ceiling and floor by using suspended fixtures, and the effect was spectacular.
To reinforce Mitsubishi’s strong brand identity, we chose a highly efficient lighting system:
- Cylinder suspended lighting for the showroom
- Linear lights in the garage
- LED tape to accentuate the façade
The results speak for themselves. The lighting is powerful yet discreet so your eyes are directed to what is most important – the cars.
Get your project up and running with our Project Starter to choose the right lighting fixtures.
Enlighten your creativity with our dealership lighting design guide.
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